von/by Nico Pachali
(de) Die FIELD STUDIES sind Ort für Experiment, Beobachtung, Recherche und Analyse,- sie suchen das Künstlerische im Sportlichen und das Sportliche im Künstlerischen – von Feldstruktur über Regelwerk bis Psychologie, Vorbereitung und Training. Sie verstehen sich als eine wachsende Materialsammlung und umfassen ein Archiv von Videos, Screenshots, Fotografien, Zeichnungen, Text,-und Soundfragmenten und stellen in ihrer Gesamtheit einen Versuch dar, sich der Idee einer horizontalen Raumstruktur künstlerisch anzunähern. (*FIELD: Feld/Spielfeld/Horizontale/Bewegung im horizontalen Raum/Aktion/Handlung/FIELD=FELD=SPACE=RAUM)
Bestandteil des Clusters soll zudem eine stets wachsende Sammlung aus Verweisen, Schriften und Analysen sein, in dessen Mittelpunkt das Zine-Projekt head to toe periodical steht.
(en) The FIELD STUDIES are a place for experimentation, observation, research and analysis - they seek the artistic in the sporting and the sporting in the artistic - from field structure to rules to psychology, preparation and training. They see themselves as a growing collection of material and comprise an archive of videos, screenshots, photographs, drawings, text and sound fragments and, in their entirety, represent an attempt to artistically approach the idea of a horizontal spatial structure. (*FIELD: Feld/Spielfeld/Horizontale/Bewegung im horizontalen Raum/Aktion/Handlung/FIELD=FELD=SPACE)
Part of the cluster will also be an ever-growing collection of references, writings, and analyses, centered around the zine project head to toe periodical.
FELD (aerial view)
(A) Head to Toe periodical
(B) horizontal explorations (field studies)
Nico Pachali: space between space (horizontal explorations)
formations and variations (playbook)
Football and perception: Matthew Barney on the field emblem
variation studies (1) -
variation studies (pitching loops)
field analysis (field structure)
5/18/04 Randy Johnson perfect Game - complete
Baseballs View
FELD (aerial view)
(C) Lombardi Zone
formations and variations (playbook)
Lombardi Zone (field construction/field zones)
Lombardi Zone 2 (notations)
Lombardi Zone 3 (energy cycles)
Lombardi Zone 4 (character and heart)
Lombardi Zone 5 (energetic development)
Lombardi Zone 6 (circulation zone/production area)
Lombardi Zone 7 (production point)
Lombardi Zone 8 (producer, constructor, energizer)
diagrams (movement and production)
wall arrangement (fields)
Vince Lombardi NFL FILMS a football life (2021)
wall arrangement2 (fields)
diagram 1 (energetic device)
NFL FILMS: Lombardi (1968)
wall arrangement 3 (fields)
lombardi zone/lombardi area (blue zone) FOLDER
lombardi zone/lombardi area (blue zone) FOLDER Cover
Run to Daylight (1964)
Run to Daylight by Vince Lombardi (1963)
production event 1 (lombardi zone / energy cycle)
production event 1a (lombardi zone/production cycle)
production event 1b (lombardi zone/production cycle)
lombardi documents (blind side safety blitz)
field event
Lombardi documents (blind side safety blitz/the body)
Lombardi documents (blind side safety blitz/tactical research)
Blind Side Safety Blitz (lombardi document)
lombardi documents (fragment 1)
lombardi documents (the catch-production point)