Run to Daylight by Vince Lombardi (1963)

"In the pages that follow we have attempted to record as accurately as possible the preparations for and the playing of a Green Bay Packers Game of the 1962 Season. Although this book is concernded with a specific game, it has been our hope to present the 7 days involved in such a way that the reader, no matter to what theam he devotes his allegiance, may better understand what his own, or any team, experiences each week of the season." -Authors Note by Vince Lombardi-

Run to Daylight! is Lombardi’s own diary of a week at the helm of the Green Bay Packers. Together with legendary sports-journalist, W.C. Heinz, Lombardi takes us from the first review of game films on Monday right through the final gun on Sunday afternoon. We see the planning, the plotting, the practice and the pain as forty-plus men come together to form that precision unit that makes for winning football. Lombardi gives us his views on life, the game, coaching, success, family, and the famed “Lombardi Sweep.”



Originally Published





