Advanced Chemistry
Aleinikoff, Alex
Allan, Liz
Als, Hilton
Andrews, Max
Ayata, Imran
Aydemir, Fatma
Bacher, Lutz
Banz, Stefan
Behm, Meike
Behncke, Martina
Benjamin, Walter
Bicker, Björn
Brosowsky, Bettina Maria
Burkhalter, Gabriela
Choi, Binna
Dalisi, Riccardo
Dann, Marie C.
Dany, Hans-Christian
de la Salle, Xavier
deLire, Luce
Diawara, Manthia
DiGiulio, Lauren
Draxler, Helmut
Droste, Nadine
Elms, Anthony
Esen, Orhan
Fleming, Peter
Fuchs, Albrecht
Fulton, Hamish
Gammel, Irene
Irene Gammel: Baroness Elsa: Gender, Dada, and Everyday Modernity. A Cultural Biography. The MIT Press. 2003.
Irene Gammel: Body Sweats. The Uncensored Writings of Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven. The MIT Press. 2011.
Irene Gammel: Die Dada Baroness - Das wilde Leben der Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven. ebersbach & simon. 2003.
Gerard, Delanty
Gesine, Stoyke
Glissant, Édouard
Haarmann, Julia
Edward Everett (Hale, Edward Everett)
Haraway, Donna J.
Helma, Lutz
Hinrichsen, Karsten
Hirsch, Michael
Hjartarson, Paul
Hustvedt, Siri
Jachertz, Norbert
Jin-bok, Kim
Jones, Amelia
Jörg, Werner
Kampe, Heike
Kazan, Elia
Kikuchi, Fumiko
Knaup, Bettina
Knoll, Valérie
Knowles, Christopher
Christopher Knowles: 47 Floors. 1975.
Christopher Knowles: Chris Parzival Collage. Undated.
Christopher Knowles: Circled Words. August 1977.
Christopher Knowles: Drunk Driving. Undated.
Christopher Knowles: Emily Likes the TV. CAMH. 2017.
Christopher Knowles: In a Word. Gregory R. Miller & Co.. 2017.
Christopher Knowles: Parzifal Copy and Emily. Undated.
Christopher Knowles: Parzival #7. 1989.
Christopher Knowles: Popular Songs. 1984.
Christopher Knowles: Self Service Story. 1970s.
Christopher Knowles: Taperecorder. March 1974.
Christopher Knowles: The Sundance Kid is Beautiful. The Watermill Center. 2013.
Christopher Knowles: Typings (1974-1977). Vehicle Editions. 1979.
Christopher Knowles: Untitled (42 Relationships). Undated.
Christopher Knowles: Untitled (Curious George). Undated.
Christopher Knowles: Untitled (Three Kids). 1991.
Christopher Knowles: Untitled. 1980.
Christopher Knowles: Untitled. 1983.
Christopher Knowles: Visuals. In: Semiotext(e), 3(2): Schizo-Culture. 1978.
Koch, Dr. André
Kolb, Lucie
Kotlyarova, Liudmila
Krauss, Annette
Kulba, Tracy
Kullukcu, Bülent
Lombardi, Vince
Lorey, Isabell
Lowenhaupt Tsing, Anna
Ludger, Fittkau
Luther, Dr. Anne
Martin, Kohls
Mette, Anne
Miller, Gregory R.
Moritz, Börner
Morrison, Toni
Naumann, Francis M.
Nebig, Ernst-August
Nigro, Prof. Roberto
Noeske, Eva
Oezen, Esra
Oisteanu, Valery
Pachali, Nico
Baseballs View
Blind Side Safety Blitz (lombardi document)
cover draft one
diagram 1 (energetic device)
diagrams (movement and production)
FELD (aerial view)
field event
Football and perception: Matthew Barney on the field emblem
lombardi documents (blind side safety blitz)
Lombardi documents (blind side safety blitz/tactical research)
Lombardi documents (blind side safety blitz/the body)
Lombardi Zone (field construction/field zones)
Lombardi Zone 2 (notations)
Lombardi Zone 3 (energy cycles)
Lombardi Zone 4 (character and heart)
Lombardi Zone 5 (energetic development)
Lombardi Zone 6 (circulation zone/production area)
Lombardi Zone 7 (production point)
Lombardi Zone 8 (producer, constructor, energizer)
lombardi zone/lombardi area (blue zone) FOLDER
lombardi zone/lombardi area (blue zone) FOLDER Cover
NFL FILMS: Lombardi (1968)
Nico Pachali: space between space (horizontal explorations)
production event 1 (lombardi zone / energy cycle)
production event 1a (lombardi zone/production cycle)
production event 1b (lombardi zone/production cycle)
Run to Daylight (1964)
variation studies (1) -
variation studies (pitching loops)
Vince Lombardi NFL FILMS a football life (2021)
wall arrangement (fields)
wall arrangement 3 (fields)
wall arrangement2 (fields)
Papashvily, George and Helen
Poulos, Achellieas Poulos
Richter, Dr. Annette
Röckel, Dieter
Roguski, Agnieszka
Romagny, Vincent
Ross, Kristin
Roy, Sreejata
Ruppmann, Nele
Sawelson-Gorses, Naomi
Schilling, Christiane
Schmelzer, Matthias
Schmid, Julia
Julia Schmid: Interview zum Ausstellungsstück „Wolf von Lichtenmoor“ mit der Naturkunde Abteilung des Landesmuseums Hannover. 2021.
Julia Schmid: Wölfe in der Stadt (kleines Rudel), der letzte Eifelwolf im Zoologischen Forschungs Museum Alexander König, Bonn. 2013.
Julia Schmid: Wölfe in der Stadt (kleines Rudel), der Wolf von Lichtenmoor „Im Reich der Tiere“ im Landesmuseum Hannover, 2012. 2013.
Susanne und Jan Wiborg: Das Monster im Moor. Eine geheimnisvolle Jagdgeschichte aus den Hungerjahren der dunklen deutschen Nachkriegszeit. 2007.
Schönewolf, sarah
Schröder, Jürgen
Schroer, Nada Rosa
Seme, Astrid
Smith, Pete
Soon, Schöffel
Spautz, Andrea
Steinke, René
Stipp, Theresia
Tasman, Nilgün
The State of the Nation, Enterprise
Thomay, Marius
Tillmann, Ulrich
Uwe, Romanski
van der Heide, Yolande
Venn, Beth
Vetter, Andrea
Vollmer, Wolfgang
von Bismarck, Beatrice
von Freytag-Loringhoven, Elsa
Wiborg, Susanne und Jan
Wilson, Robert
Wyglenda, Beate
Yaghoobifarah, Hengameh
Yeşiltaç, Viola
Zein, Gloria
Zimmermann, Sebastian